Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Thank you Rick Steves

This past weekend we took a day trip to Beaune, France. It is this little town in the Burgandy wine region. We decided to go because of this great bike trail through vineyards that Rick recommended (yea, we are basically on a first name basis now). We were not disappointed. Do you ever have that image in your head of these rolling green hills depicting heavenly landscape that's a strange mix between Ireland, Tuscany, or some remote place in Greece? Turns out it's Beaune! Also, the people were ridiculously friendly and appreciate visitors.
(the start of the official trail outside the town)

French vineyards are different than someplace like Napa because the actual wineries are located in the towns, not out in the fields. We did one tasting, where we brought our picnic lunch we got from the town farmers market. We had planned to do more, but like most things here, it took about twice as long as we expected. Sorry the pictures aren't better-I didn't know how to capture the beauty.

I have definitely mastered biking in the past year!


  1. Hi Malia, Terry August here -an old friend of your mom's. Great write up on the Burgundy area. Wally and I got to spend 4-5 days there a few years back and fell in love with it unexpectedly. We went to learn more about Burgundy wines, and didn't think we would end up enjoying ourselves as much as we did. Can also say I had 3 of the best meals of my life there - and I've had many a great meal. The French Countryside is pretty awesome, although Italy might be my favorite in the that category. Will just have to keep going and comparing. Thanks for the post, I thoroughly enjoyed it.
