Monday, August 16, 2010

36 Hours in London

So being the NY Times fan that I am, I thought I would try to do the "36 hours in..." thing that the travel section does every week. Considering I was taking the Saturday early morning eurostar from Paris to London and returning late Sunday night, seemed like the perfect length to try and see a few major attractions (eat some good fish and chips). But the nytimes are masters of course, and any attempt for me to give the play by play would be wasted. I rushed around the city for two days to see it all, literally running up St. Paul's Cathedral to see the view from the top before closing. Here instead are the highlights (don't worry, I also got my fish/chips and necessary English pint!). Special thanks to Tai for giving me the Notting Hill hook up and travel advice- I definitely felt like I was in a Hugh Grant film!

In no particular order...

The Tate Modern Art Musuem was great- they had this huge space where you can watch dancers rehearse too

540 stairs apparently to the top of St. Pauls... worth it for the view

trying to prove I was in there...
Walking around in Hyde Park waiting for Harrods to open
normally I hate just tons of landscape/generic pics,
but it's hard to avoid if you are traveling alone

Okay, does the rest of the world not have squirrels!!?
Everywhere I went, the tourists/kids there were watching them. This is in front of Buckingham Palace...
honestly, more interesting- this man has trained this squirrel/pigeons! so I took a picture to fit in.

Gotta love Ben! But actually, this was one the reasons I wanted to go to London so badly!

P.S. Thank you to the British people for being so nice, funny and more than willing to give directions. AND my momma is coming to visit this week!!!


  1. Do all European travels photos come out as good as yours? Love your selection of pictures - less with just the right commentary is definitely more.

  2. That looks like an awesome art exhibit. Highly jealous.
