Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Reims/Champagne Region

First, I don't know why we decided to go anywhere on a Sunday in the middle of holiday season in France. Reims (pronounced "Rance" like "France"), was a ghost town. But we still got an AWESOME tour of the Roman caves where they keep 3 million bottles of champagne. Here are some pictures- and this New Years, be prepared for me to go on and on about the champagne making process, because I definitely feel like an expert now.

the sign says champagne, and I like this random house

the caves! I don't really have a taste for "good champagne" but this place had a great reputation and the glass at the end was good

this is the Notre Dame of Reims, almost all of the French kings have been coronated here. Beautiful!
Definitely one of my favorite cathedrals

And I just realized I would feel ridiculous if I didn't say something about Bastille Day. I have been looking forward to this French celebration all summer... here is the breakdown

  • America does parades better. The parade was all military, although the units did sing. And it POURED
  • No one wears national colors, and I'm pretty sure the travelers get more into it. aka no face painted French flags
  • They can do fireworks, that plus the Eiffel Tower, and carefully choreographed displays to the best French songs I have ever heard. I felt like Ratatouille when he tasted that cheese and bread (strawberry?) together for the first time!!!

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