Saturday, July 3, 2010

Let Them Eat Cake

Latest traveling has been day trip to Versailles.

Despite the rain and rude american man freaking out, it was actually one of my favorite places so far. Scratch that. Marie Antoinette's estate has been my favorite thing so far. We literally spent the day wondering around her millions of fountains and pretending we were wearing big french dresses. It was so interesting and not like the gaudy palace I envisioned. I am currently obsessed with her and will probably start her only fan club based solely on her taste in garden landscaping. The rain kept the crowds away for a little and there were more trees than Boulangeries- always a plus for Paris.

(I think I took a dozen pictures of this one garden/palace to try and capture how amazing it is. Normally I hate when people show a bunch of the same place, but I am making an exception for myself... I have spared you all by only posting a few)

I am uploading pictures because we had fun experimenting with camera settings and the ap euro student in me wants everyone to see it!

(the Royal Family Cheat Sheet)

me and masha in front of one of the millions of lakes

me and kiyoko at the main versailles gardens

it was raining, this is the only picture that shows it

masha the artsy photographer

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