Monday, June 28, 2010

Brugge, Belgium

Yesterday we (the interns) took a day trip to Brugge. You may be thinking....why not Brussels? Brugge was recommended as it is know for being one of the last medieval towns left. So with a 6:30 am start, a long ride on the bus with a bunch of old people, and a much needed stop for pain au chocolate, we made it before lunch! This was my first time really doing one of these tourist trap trip things, and much to say it was a little like Disneyland. Complete with the equivalent jungle cruise.

Plus: the waffle (super light and crunchy), the beer, the chocolate, our boat driver, the pretty countryside, the local Zara which is my new favorite store, and discovering Flemish

Minus: the slightly crazy tour guide and the fact that I was probably at Disneyland Paris by accident.

Nate- S curve bridge Belgium style!

Nick, Masha and Chelsea in line...

Friday, June 25, 2010

A Paris Friday

Later on I will devote a post to consumption in Paris, but today deserves a special entry.

Lunch: calamari and creme brulee for lunch. for under 5 euro subsidized Pasteur price.
4 pm: Going away party for someone I have never met. Wine at work, chocolate cake (okay chocolate heaven), this like parfait dessert thing, a fresh pair tart and these little almost graham cracker brownie bites.
6 pm: After work drinks. A little football on tv.
8 pm: Wine bar. Yes, these exist in Paris without costing a fortune. Apparently california white wines are more "woody". This just means it doesn't mean you are lame for drinking a white in Paris, especially if it is 31 degree Celsius outside (no I have no idea what that means in america)
9:30 pm: Dinner reservations at an Argentina restaurant. Two bottles of wine, empanadas and this corn thing.

Everytime I think I have figured this city out, I realize I have only seen about 1/100th of what is has to offer.

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

The Dark Side

So I have joined the dark side of the world and now have a blog. That being said, it is because my internet even at my residence is part of the Pasteur network, and they have decided to block many social networks and things that apparently slow down the internet for everyone. I really want to stay in touch with people and at least be able to post pictures, but I probably won't use facebook very often and the fate of my gchats are also in limbo. I realize assuming people actually want to know what I am doing is slightly narcissistic, but I want to hear from you guys too!!!

(sorry, had to post the traditional first picture of the Eiffel Tower...)

As we all know, this blog can't possibly beat Cats of Berkeley and will be nothing fancy or moderately original. Yes, the name is ridiculously nerdy. But seriously, bread and science! What more could a girl want!?

I've been in Paris a little over a week now and working in a viral pathogenesis lab. France work is very different- generally starts around 10, with a full hour lunch, and several breaks for coffee. This past weekend had friends in town visiting (Emily and Ajay shout out) and we got to see most of the Paris highlights in a few days.

(The beautiful Seine and Notre Dame)

The world cup is way better in Europe. Exhibit A to the right shows a giant screen where all the different nationalities gather for the games. Also, went to an amazing British Pub. They turn England into a three syllable word for cheers which is quite impressive. "The referee's a wanker" is my personal favorite chant. And when I watched the US game today, there were actually Algerian fans watching in the same bar!!!

Ajay and I with the view from the Sacred Heart Cathedral.

Here is my picture for Sarie! One day this could be yours!

Emily and I on our boat bar adventure and at the Luxembourg Gardens/Palace.

My accident flash picture of the water lilies.
I'm sorry Monet!!!!!!!!!

Other interns Nick and Chelsea in the Catacombs.
It is roughly the size of Paris underneath with the paths mimicking the streets. SOO many bones!

I will try to upload pictures periodically and be slightly interesting, and email me lots with your stories too please!!!

Mademoiselle Malia